Entré Appendix
Remove Users from Panel
Action | Current Functionality in 9.2 | Removes from Panel OFF in 9.3 | Removes from Panel ON in 9.3 |
Remove a Profile from Badge | Does not remove Badge from Panel, but removes Profile from Badge in Panel | Does not remove Badge from Panel | Removes Badge from Panel when last Profile from that Panel is removed from Badge |
Delete a Profile from Entré | Does not remove Badges or Profile from Panels, but removes Profile from Badges in Panel | Does not remove Badges from Panels, but removes Profile and Profile association from Badges in Panel | Removes Badges and Profile from Panels |
Change a Badge's Profile | Does not remove Badge from Panel, but removes Profile from Badge in Panel | Does not remove Badge from Panel | Removes Badge from Panel when last Profile from that Panel is removed from Badge |
Remove All Areas from a Profile | Does not remove Profile from Panel, requires Clear and Send | Does not remove Profile from Panel, Requires Clear and Send | Removes Profile from the Panel |
Set a Badge to Inactive | Does not remove the Badge from Panel, but sets Badge to Inactive in Panel | Does not remove Badge from Panel, but sets Badge to Inactive in Panel | Removes Badge from Panel |
Disable a Badge from the Badges Module | Does not remove the Badge from Panel, but sets Badge to Inactive in Panel | Does not remove Badge from Panel, but sets Badge to Inactive in Panel | Removes Badge from Panel |
Unassign an Inactive Badge from Personnel | Does not remove Badge from Panel | Removes Badge from Panel | Removes Badge from Panel |
A Personnel Record is Made Inactive or Disabled | Does not remove associated Badges from Panels, but sets Badges to Inactive in Panel | Does not remove associated Badge from Panel, but sets Badge to Inactive in Panel | Removes Badge from Panel |
Unassign an Active Badge from Personnel | Removes Badge from Panel | Removes Badge from Panel | Removes Badge from Panel |
Delete Badge from Badges Module | Removes Badge from Panel | Removes Badge from Panel | Removes Badge from Panel |