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Entré Appendix

Remove Users from Panel


Current Functionality in 9.2

Removes from Panel OFF in 9.3

Removes from Panel ON in 9.3

Remove a Profile from Badge

Does not remove Badge from Panel, but removes Profile from Badge in Panel

Does not remove Badge from Panel

Removes Badge from Panel when last Profile from that Panel is removed from Badge

Delete a Profile from Entré

Does not remove Badges or Profile from Panels, but removes Profile from Badges in Panel

Does not remove Badges from Panels, but removes Profile and Profile association from Badges in Panel

Removes Badges and Profile from Panels

Change a Badge's Profile

Does not remove Badge from Panel, but removes Profile from Badge in Panel

Does not remove Badge from Panel

Removes Badge from Panel when last Profile from that Panel is removed from Badge

Remove All Areas from a Profile

Does not remove Profile from Panel, requires Clear and Send

Does not remove Profile from Panel, Requires Clear and Send

Removes Profile from the Panel

Set a Badge to Inactive

Does not remove the Badge from Panel, but sets Badge to Inactive in Panel

Does not remove Badge from Panel, but sets Badge to Inactive in Panel

Removes Badge from Panel

Disable a Badge from the Badges Module

Does not remove the Badge from Panel, but sets Badge to Inactive in Panel

Does not remove Badge from Panel, but sets Badge to Inactive in Panel

Removes Badge from Panel

Unassign an Inactive Badge from Personnel

Does not remove Badge from Panel

Removes Badge from Panel

Removes Badge from Panel

A Personnel Record is Made Inactive or Disabled

Does not remove associated Badges from Panels, but sets Badges to Inactive in Panel

Does not remove associated Badge from Panel, but sets Badge to Inactive in Panel

Removes Badge from Panel

Unassign an Active Badge from Personnel

Removes Badge from Panel

Removes Badge from Panel

Removes Badge from Panel

Delete Badge from Badges Module

Removes Badge from Panel

Removes Badge from Panel

Removes Badge from Panel

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