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Set Up a Cell-Only Panel

Entré Version 8.3.0 and higher supports a cellular-only remote connection to panels. Learn how to set up Entré and retrieve a cell-only panel.

Note: The panel must be equipped with a DMP cellular module.

Before starting, Entré must be licensed for service from SecureCom Wireless. The key is available from your DMP sales representative. This is the same key used in Dealer Admin.

Set Up the Wireless License Key

  1. Go to System Configuration > DMP Communication.

  2. Enter the SecureCom Wireless License Key.

  3. Select Test Activation Server to check that Entré can communicate with the SecureCom Server.

  4. To enable a forward proxy server, select the Use Forward Proxy checkbox and enter your IP or DNS Address in SecureCom Cellular Activation Server Address.

  5. Select Save.

  6. Log out of all Entré clients and the Entré Application Server to restart the service.

Connect a Cell-Only Panel to Entré

  1. Open Entré. Go to Configuration > Hardware Tree.

  2. Right-click DMP Driver and select New Panel 150/350/550.

  3. In General, name the system and select the model type.

  4. Go to Communication. In the Main account number field, enter the account number of the panel.

  5. Select Cell Activation. Enter the SIM/MEID code and select Refresh. This checks that the SIM is valid. Entré recognizes the newest SIM codes for AT&T and Verizon.

Note: To use DualSIM operation for a TMSentry panel, select Cell Activation for Verizon and AT&T. Enter both SIM/MEID codes, then select Refresh.

To choose a carrier option, go to the Start Page module and right-click the TMSentry panel with DualSIM operation. In the drop-down menu, select Dual Sim Support. A pop up displays to choose a carrier option. To select a single carrier, choose Verizon or AT&T. To use DualSIM operation, select Both.

right-click the panel, and select DUAL… A pop up displays to choose a carrier option. Select Verizon or AT&T for a single carrier or select Both to use both carriers.

  1. After selecting Refresh, the Name, Rate Plan, and Text Plan fields populate automatically.

  2. Select Activate/Update to register the SIM with SecureCom Wireless.

  3. Select Close. The actived SIM populates in the Cell Module field.

Note: Previous releases of Entré supported cellular connection as a backup. Entré Version 8.3 and higher supports backup from Remote Options.

  1. Go to Remote Options.

  2. In the Entré tab, select Cell.

  3. Press Save and Close. Press OK when Entré prompts you to choose Plan 416 for communications.

Retrieve Panel Programming

  1. In the Hardware Tree, right-click on the new panel. Go to Panel Control > Start.

Note: Panel communication is slower with Cell. It may take up to 30 seconds to respond.

  1. Right-click on the new panel. Go to Panel Configuration > Retrieve Configuration.

  2. Press OK.

Note: Retrieving can take up to 4 minutes with cellular communication, depending on the amount of configured hardware devices on the panel.

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